Passalong Plants

One of the great pleasures of gardening is sharing information with family members, friends, and neighbors. But perhaps the best benefit of sharing with other gardeners is receiving and giving passalong plants.
A Southern gardening tradition, passalong plants are easily propagated, often unavailable at a retail nursery, and “passed along” to other gardening friends. Each holds a story of where it came from and the loving hands that grew it.
Many old varieties, such as heirloom vegetables, are available only as passalong plants from other gardeners, who have often cultivated them for generations.
Interested in passing some of your own plants along? The general rule for dividing plants is to propagate them opposite their blooming season—so plants that bloom in the fall should be divided in the spring. Save seeds as they mature and plant cuttings throughout the year to pass along to your favorite gardeners.