Blue-eyed Grass

Blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill) is a native, herbaceous perennial. This member of the Iris family is found throughout the eastern United States as far north as Newfoundland and Quebec and as far west as Texas. Blue-eyed grass grows naturally in meadows, damp fields, open woods, moist pinelands, swamp edges, and grassy roadsides.
Growing in tufted, grass-like clumps, blue-eyed grass produces star-shaped flowers on stalks that rise just above the leaves. The blue flowers appear in spring and have a yellow center or eye.
Blue-eyed grass plants will self-seed and can be divided after the bloom season every two to three years. Divide plants using a sharp edged tool to cut clumps into smaller pieces. Pieces should then be planted in a moist location or container until roots are able to develop.