Agave, Bromeliads, and Succulents

Close view of succulent plants with thick padded leaves, green tipped in a blush color.

Succulents are a group of plants with thick, fleshy stems, leaves or roots designed to hold water. Cacti, aloe, sedums and “hens and chicks” are just a few examples of succulent plants.

Easy to care for and drought-tolerant, succulents come in all kinds of interesting forms, textures, and colors. Because they’re adapted to survive dry conditions, they don’t need much supplemental water. In Florida’s rainy, humid climate, most grow best in containers. Start with a shallow clay or terra cotta container with drainage holes. Choose a few succulents with contrasting forms and place them in well-drained media with room to grow. For a finishing touch, top the soil surface with gravel.

Commonly mistaken for cacti or aloe plants, Agave is a separate genus with very distinct features. Native to the southwestern United States and Mexico, there are over 200 species of Agave plants.

Bromeliads are standouts for their bold, often colorful leaves and for the exotic flower spikes that many bromeliads produce. Most bromeliads are tropical or subtropical and can be grown outdoors in frost-free areas of Florida, and indoors as houseplants in any space that receives bright, diffused light.