Mangoes on tree

Mangoes (cultivar Tommy Atkins). Photo by Wilhelmina Wasik, ARS/USDA.


It's hard to beat the sweet flavor and juiciness of a ripe mango. These succulent tropical fruits come in a wide range of varieties that can be grown in the southern half of Florida.

Some mango trees grow quite large, reaching up to 60 feet tall and 50 feet wide, so be sure you have ample space in your yard before planting one of these beauties. If you have limited space, try growing a small variety. One of their benefits is that they can be container-grown and moved indoors if you live in a colder corner of the state. Keep your container mango well-pruned to maintain a reasonable size.

In general, mango trees should be planted in full sun. Select a part of the landscape away from other trees, buildings and structures, and power lines. Select the warmest area of the landscape that does not flood (or remain wet) after typical summer rains.

Mango trees will need occasional pruning, fertilization, and treatment for pests. Depending upon the variety, fruit may be harvested from May through August, so you can enjoy this sweet treat all summer long.

Some newer varieties for home growing include ‘Angie', ‘Cogshall', ‘Fairchild', ‘ ‘Nam Doc Mai', and ‘Rosigold'. See Table 1 in "Mango Growing in the Florida Home Landscape" for a larger list of mango varieties suggested for home gardens.


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