- Azalea
- Banana Shrub
- Bay Laurel
- Beautyberry
- Bottlebrush
- Buttonbush
- Camellias
- Chastetree (Vitex)
- Cocoplum
- Crepe Jasmine
- Dwarf Holllies
- Dwarf Shrubs
- Elderberry
- Firebush
- Florida Anise
- Golden Dewdrop
- Hearts-a-bustin’
- Holly
- Indian Hawthorn
- Ixora
- Japanese Plum Yew
- Jatropha
- Junipers
- Leatherleaf Mahonia
- Loropetalum
- Mahonia
- The Mahonia Debate
- Necklace Pod
- ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ Holly
- Oakleaf Hydrangea
- Oleander
- Pineapple Guava
- Saltbush
- Simpson’s Stopper
- Sparkleberry
- Star Anise Shrubs
- Starburst Clerodendrum
- Sweetspire ‘Henry’s Garnet’
- Tea Olive
- Thryallis
- Turk’s Cap
- Walter’s Viburnum and Other Viburnum Species
- Wax Myrtle
- Weeping Yaupon Holly
- Wild Coffee
- Winter-flowering Trees and Shrubs
- Yaupon Holly