Fatsia Japonica

Fatsia japonica, variety Spider's Web
Fatsia japonica ‘Spider’s Web’

Fatsia japonica, sometimes called Japanese aralia, is a shade-loving shrub that thrives in moist conditions. It’s usually grown for its outstanding foliage. The huge leaves are deeply lobed and grow to almost a foot wide. Fatsia grows up to 8 feet tall. The flower clusters are white and appear in fall, once the plant is mature.

Fatsia likes slightly acid, nutrient-rich, moist soil, and does best in shade. Stems that become leggy may be cut back to encourage branching. When properly situated, Fatsia is a low-maintenance plant seldom bothered by pests, and it can be planted throughout the state. As a plus for coastal gardeners, it’s generally salt-tolerant as well.

Fatsia can be grown in beds or in containers both inside and out. It makes a bold addition to a courtyard or patio.

UF/IFAS Publications

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