Dracaena Marginata

Dracaena marginata growing outdoors
Dracaena marginata growing outdoors in the Teaching Garden at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Plant City campus.

Dracaena marginata is commonly called Red-edge Dracaena or Madagascar dragon tree, and can grow to 15 feet in height. It’s supported by long, slender trunks or canes.

Narrow green leaves edged in purplish-red distinguish this Dracaena from its multitude of cousins. There are roughly 40 species of Dracaena (“corn plants” and “lucky bamboo” are both in this genus).

Dracaena is one of the best indoor trees for low-light areas. In good light, it can grow up to 18 inches a year for its first few years. In zones 10B-11, it can actually be grown outdoors.

There’s also a variety, ‘Tricolor’, with white leaves edged in pink.

Although most dracaenas have few problems with pests, occasionally mealy bugs and scale can attack the plant. Water thoroughly, then allow it to dry out before watering again.


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