
Large ornamental grassy plant
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) in the Teaching Garden at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Plant City campus.

Lemongrass is an herbaceous perennial that’s originally from India. It can be used in the Florida landscape as a border, as an accent, or in mass plantings, and it’s also edible.

Lemongrass leaves remain green most of the year, turning scarlet or dark red in the fall and winter. They add an appealing, lemony fragrance to the garden.

Plant your lemongrass in full or part sun. It can grow to six feet tall and four feet wide, and makes an excellent choice for edging along fence lines and wide walkways.

You can use lemongrass in Thai-style soups and curries. Harvest stalks at the ground level, cut off the lower bulb, and remove the tough outer leaves. Cut or “bruise” the inner stalk and use it to add fresh flavor to your cooking.

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