St. Augustinegrass

St. Augustinegrass is the most widely planted type of lawn grass in Florida, with green to blue-green color. It’s easy and quick to establish the grass from sod or plugs. St. Augustinegrass does require water to stay green during periods of drought, however it doesn’t need more water than other grass species to remain green.
It’ll also go into winter dormancy in many parts of the state. Reduce watering and don’t fertilize in Central or North Florida during the cool months.
Chinch bugs are a major pest of St. Augustinegrass, and can cause a lot of damage. Damaged areas appear as yellow to brown patches, and injury typically occurs first in grass that’s water-stressed or in full sun. Chinch bugs are active when it’s warm, but may cause damage year-round.
Not all brown grass indicates a chinch bug infestation. If you suspect you have chinch bugs, inspect the border between the brown and green grass for the tiny, black-and-white adults. If you do have chinch bugs, you’ll need to devise a plan to get rid of them. Treat with an appropriate pesticide in the spring, or try non-chemical options like reducing thatch or minimizing fertilizer use. You can always consult a pest control professional for help!
UF/IFAS Publications
- Gray Leafspot of St. Augustinegrass: Cultural and Chemical Management Options
- Growing Turfgrass in the Shade
- Mosaic Disease of St. Augustinegrass Caused by Sugarcane Mosaic Virus
- St. Augustinegrass for Florida Lawns