Therapy Gardens
Research has shown that therapy gardens can help reduce physical pain, encourage social interaction, and help ease emotional pain from grief or abuse. The positive effects of therapy gardens can be achieved through working in the garden, but the tranquil setting also provides a healing place to sit or meditate.

Create a Sanctuary
Creating a sanctuary garden in your landscape can provide you with a refuge to relax and escape the stresses of daily life. Sanctuary gardens often incorporate a spiritual element and serve as a place to meditate, reflect, or pray.
They’re typically tucked away from the busier areas of the yard, and offer at least a little shelter from the sun. They usually include a comfortable place to sit, and many have a calming water feature. Choose low-maintenance plants to keep the garden centered on relaxation, rather than work. You can even add plants that have a fragrance that you like.
Keep in mind that the space needn’t be large. With little more than a quiet corner and thoughtful design, you can create your own sanctuary garden.
Simply put, a labyrinth is a circular path. Unlike a maze (and contrary to popular belief), labyrinths have no dead ends in which to get lost. Found in ancient ruins, these pathways are believed to inspire creativity and contemplation when walked. Today, garden labyrinths can be a relaxing way to commune with nature.
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Elsewhere on the Web
- An Update of the Literature Supporting the Well-Being Benefits of Plants: A Review of the Emotional and Mental Health Benefits of Plants — Hall, Charles & Knuth, Melinda. (2019). Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 37. 30-38. 10.24266/0738-2898-37.1.30.
- Labyrinthos: Labyrinth and Mazes Resource Center