Houseplant Resolutions

The start of a new year is the time many people resolve to make positive changes. This year we’re focusing on the resolutions gardeners can make for indoors.

Maybe this is the year to add a plant to your desk or bedside. Perhaps you’re just hoping to maintain the plants you cultivated in the past. Or maybe you’re ready to diversify and try something new or a little more challenging. Whatever your indoor gardening resolution, we have some guidance to offer to help your future be a little greener.


If you’ve never tried gardening indoors, the new year is a great time to start and our piece on caring for houseplants will provide inspiration and information to get you started. We take you through the different planting containers to choose from, lighting requirements, and general care. Remember, lighting is the biggest thing to consider when starting to grow plants inside your house. If you aren’t sure what plant is right for you, check out houseplants for the busy gardener, our list of some low-maintenance houseplants.


Maintaining the health of the houseplants you have is an admirable goal. Even if your plants are doing well, there may still be things for you to tweak in your care routine. Perhaps you’ve never tried repotting and are ready to take on this part of houseplant care. Or maybe your plant need a cleaning, something you may not considered; houseplants can get dusty. Our caring for houseplants piece can be helpful even for the experienced houseplant owner.


Maybe you’ve been growing the same things successfully for years, and your goal for the new year is to add some variety. Edible gardening can be done (to a degree) indoors, provided you have sufficient lighting. Microgreens are a healthy option that takes up little room. Additionally, herbs like sage, oregano, and thyme are some bright kitchen window garden favorites.

If you are looking for a list of houseplants from which to select something new, check out our list of non-toxic plants that are safe to grow around pets or children who can’t resists chomping on foliage. For plants that do a little extra work in your home, consult our list of houseplants that clean the air.

Whatever your planting goals for the new year, be they indoors our out, here’s to hoping they bring you joy and fulfillment.

A houseplant with green leaves heavily marked with white

Aglaonema 'Moonlight Bay'. These plants help clean the air. Photo: UF/IFAS.

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