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The Neighborhood Gardener – June

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Keeping Kids Busy Over the Summer Break

Toy truck used as a planterNow that summer is here, keep kids busy outdoors with some of these fun projects. Gardening can be fun for the whole family, and there are plenty of projects you can do with your kids that will instill a love for gardening and the outdoors. More

Floating Hydroponic Gardens

Try a fun gardening technique this summer by building a simple floating hydroponic garden. Hydroponic gardens consist of plants grown without soil. Instead, these plants are grown in a nutrient-rich solution.  In the horticulture industry, these are used to produce a large amount of produce on small acreage, but they can be made on a "home garden" scale as well. More

Plant of the Month: Drift® Roses

Pink Drift rosesDrift® roses were created by crossing groundcover roses and miniature roses, and the result is a compact rose that's perfect for growing in containers, at the front of landscape beds, or as a groundcover. Drift® roses are best suited for planting in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-10. Choose a spot that receives at least six hours of sunlight. Water your rose thoroughly at the time of planting and then regularly until it's established. More

June in Your Garden

Summer flowering shrubs, like hibiscus, oleander, and crapemyrtle bloom on new growth; lightly prune often during the warmer months. Lawn insects are very active during the warm months. Check frequently for damaged areas and determine whether damage is from pests, disease, or lack of water so your remedy is effective.     

For more month-by-month gardening tips, check out the Florida Gardening Calendar. Three different editions of the calendar provide specific tips for each of Florida's gardening regions—North, Central, and South. More

Friend or Foe? Friend: Larra Wasp

Mole crickets are a common problem on Florida turf, especially bahia and bermuda grass. Larra wasps, imported from South America by UF scientists, attack these turf pests. These solitary wasps are not aggressive towards people. They lay their eggs in mole crickets they have paralyzed, and the eggs hatch larvae that feed on the crickets.  Read more about larra wasps and their control methods of mole crickets. More

Featured Shows on Gardening in a Minute


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Pink bougainvillea growing on a staircase wall

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