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The Neighborhood Gardener – August

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Black Spot vs. Cercospora Leaf Spot on Roses

Black spot on roseThere are three primary diseases that affect the leaves of roses: black spot, powdery mildew, and Cercospora leaf spot. Black spot and Cercospora leaf spot are often confused because the symptoms are similar. However, each has some distinct features that can help you tell the difference. More

Squishy Lawn? Too Much Water is Trouble

By Jack Tichenor
The month of August marks the peak of the rainy season in Florida. With more than seven inches of rain on average, this is great news for replenishing thirsty lakes and underground water reservoirs. But surprisingly, it could be bad news for your lawn, especially if your automatic sprinkler system is still operating routinely. More

Plant of the Month: Dioon

DioonSago plants have been mainstays in many Florida yards, but their susceptibility to cycad aulacaspis scale has left gardeners searching for a suitable alternative. Many have turned to dioon, ancient cycads that are easy to grow and can make a strong statement in any landscape. More

Flagler Master Gardener volunteers Help Feed the Hungry

Master Gardener working in gardenFlagler County Master Gardener volunteers are working with the Flagler County Department of Juvenile Justice Council to develop a community garden. This garden provides a hands-on opportunity for area youth to volunteer and acquire community service hours while working to help feed Flagler County's hungry. More

August in Your Garden

The hottest days of summer limit planting now to heat-tolerant coleus, impatiens, kalanchoe, and vinca. This month is also the start of the fall planting season with many varieties of cool and warm season crops to start now.

For more month-by-month gardening tips, check out the Florida Gardening Calendar. Three different editions of the calendar provide specific tips for each of Florida's gardening regions—North, Central, and South. More

Friend or Foe? Foe: Poison Ivy and Others

Poison ivyFlorida parks and woodlands are favorite places for many people who enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, and biking. Unfortunately, every year numerous Floridians suffer skin rashes and other problems when they come in contact with one of several plants (poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac) typically found in these locations. More

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