Florida Plant ID
Glossary of Botanical Terms: O-R



Oblanceolate Leaf Shape: The reverse of lanceolate, with the broadest half above the middle and tapering toward the apex. See Figure 15.

 Figure 15.

Oblate: Spherical, flattened on both ends.

Oblong: Longer than broad, and with the sides nearly parallel. See Figure 16.

 Figure 16.

Obovate: Inversely ovate, with the broadest half above the middle. See Figure 17.

 Figure 17.

Odd-pinnately Compound: A compound leaf terminated by a leaflet. See Figure 18.

 Figure 18.

Opposite Leaf Arrangement: Two leaves at a node, one on the opposite side of the stem from the other. See Figure 19.

 Figure 19.

Oval Leaf Shape: Broadly elliptical, with the width usually greater than one half of the length. See Figure 20 .

 Figure 20.

Ovary: Basal portion of the female flower that becomes a fruit.

Ovate Leaf Shape: Egg-shaped, with the broadest half below the middle. See Figure 21.

 Figure 21.

Ovoid: Shaped like an egg with the attachment at the broad end.


Palmate: A pattern where the leaves or leaf veins radiate from one point (as fingers radiate from the palm of a hand).

Panicle:  A branched inflorescence where the bottom flowers open first. 

Pedicel:  The stalk of a single flower in an inflorescence.

Perennial: A plant which lasts for three or more years.

Petal: One of the individual parts of the corolla.

Petiole: Stalk supporting the leaf.

Pinnate:  Arranged like a feather. In venation, major veins extend from the midrib to the margin. See Figure 21b .

 Figure 21b.

Pinnately compound: A compound leaf divided into leaflets arranged on opposite sides of the stem.

Pit: The stone of a fruit such as in a plum or cherry.

Pith: Soft, spongy tissue in the center of the stem or roots.

Pods: Dry fruit that opens when mature.

Pome Fruit Type:  A fleshy fruit having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part. Ex: apple and pear. See Figure 22.

 Figure 22.

Prickles:  A small, spine-like growth.

Pubescent: Covered with short, soft hairs.

Pyramidal:  Shaped like a pyramid, with a broad base and tapered point.


Raceme Flower Arrangement: An inflorescence consisting of a central stem bearing a number of pedicelled flowers; the pedicels of nearly equal length. See Figure 23.

 Figure 23.

Receptacle: The enlarged upper end of the stalk of a flowering plant, on which the flower parts are held.

Revolute Leaf Margin: Rolled backward, or underneath. See Figure 24.

 Figure 24.

Rhizome: Any prostrate, elongated, stem growing partially or completely beneath the surface of the ground.

Rosette Leaf Arrangement: Arrangement of leaves radiating from a crown or center and usually growing close to the ground. See Figure 25.

 Figure 25.