Plant Identification Learning Module:
Flowers and Foliage

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- African Violet
- Aloe Vera
- Amaryllis
- Beach Sunflower, Dune Sunflower
- Begonia
- Bird of Paradise
- Bird’s Nest Fern
- Blanket Flower
- Caladium
- Calathea, Prayer Plant
- Canna
- Celosia
- Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema
- Chrysanthemum
- Coleus
- Coreopsis, Tickseed
- Cosmos
- Daylily
- Dendrobium Orchid
- Dianthus
- Dieffenbachia, Dumb Cane
- Dracaena
- English Ivy
- False Heather, Mexican Heather
- Ficus
- Geranium
- Gerbera Daisy
- Globe Amaranth
- Holly Fern
- Impatiens
- Jade Plant
- Lily of the Nile, Agapanthus
- Madagascar Periwinkle, Vinca
- Marigold
- Moth Orchid
- Neanthe Bella Palm, Parlor Palm
- Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum
- Pentas
- Peperomia
- Philodendron
- Pothos
- Salvia
- Sansevieria, Snake Plant
- Sedum
- Spider Plant
- Ti Plant, Cordyline
- Torenia, Wishbone Flower
- Wax Plant, Wax Flower
- Weeping Fig
- Zebra Plant
- Zinnia
- ZZ Plant