Florida Plant ID:
Acknowledgments and Thanks
The Florida Plant ID team was Sydney Park-Brown, Carolyn Wildes, Marilyn Tucker, and Jennifer Sykes.
Other contributors were Jeff Williamson and Tom Wichman. This project was made possible through an Extension Enhancement grant from UF/ IFAS Extension Administration.
But Florida Plant ID could not have been realized without the generosity of many organizations and individuals who gave us use of their photographs.
Our thanks go to:
- The Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department of Purdue University, for use of photographs from their own Horticulture Plant ID project.
- The National Junior Horticulture Association, for use of photographs from their Horticulture Identification and Judging Contest.
- Dr. Richard Wunderlin and Dr. Bruce Hansen, for use of photographs from the Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants.
- The Bugwood Network and USDA Forest Service, for use of images from their web site, Forestry Images, as well as their photographers (Robert L. Anderson, Chuck Bargeron, Allen Bridgman, Chris Evans, Wendy VanDyk Evans, Kenneth M. Gale, H.J. Larson, James H. Miller, Joseph O’Brien, Richard Old, Jerry A. Payne, Richard Webb, and Paul Wray).
- Forest and Kim Starr, for use of photographs from their web site, Plants of Hawaii.
- Jack Scheper, for photos from his web site Floridata.com.
- Steven J. Baskauf, for use of tree photos from his Vanderbilt University web site, https://bioimages.vanderbilt.edu.
- Dr. Stephen R. King (retired), Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University for his photos of seeds for beets, carrots, collards, cucumber, okra, onion, radish, and watermelon
- Missouri Botanical Garden PlantFinder
- The Smithsonian Institution and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Top Tropicals Nursery
- Jennifer Anderson, Scott Henderson, Carl Hunter, Steve Hurst, and Robert H. Mohlenbrock with the USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database
- James Manhart with the TAMU Herbarium of Texas A&M University
- David Lee, Biological Sciences, Florida International University
- Pat Breen (retired), Oregon State University
- The Coalition for Excellence in Tropical Botany
- R. Daniel Lineberger with Aggie Horticulture, Texas A&M University
- Douglas David Dawn for the Encyclopedia Britannica
- Peggy Greb with the USDA
- Vic Ramey with University of Florida
- Robert H. Stamps with UF/IFAS
- Mark Shelby with UF/IFAS
- John W. Murray with UF/IFAS
- Dennis Girard with UF/IFAS
- Descanso Gardens, La Cañada Flintridge, CA
- Pamela Dods with the Botanic Garden of Smith College
- Alex Robinson, TAMU Herbarium, Texas A&M University
- Wynn Anderson, Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, University of Texas at El Paso
- Plant and Food Research (formerly HortResearch), New Zealand
- Elizabeth A. Sellars for National Biological Information Infrastructure (this program was terminated January 2012)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Mark Brand, 1997-2001, UConn Plant Database
- UNIP(Grain Legumes Portal)
- Department of Horticulture & Crop Sciences, Ohio State University
- Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Spain)
- USA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program
- Dr. Chris A. Martin with the Virtual Library of Phoenix Landscape Plants, Arizona State University
- Individual contributors